Evaporative cooling can be used to cool the air in a space or building without using traditional refrigerant-based air conditioning systems. Evaporative coolers also known as swamp coolers, circulate air over or through the water-soaked evaporative cooling medium. People use Swamp Cooler Vs Evaporative Cooler. However, there is no real difference between the two except for their respective sizes. Air is cooled when water evaporates. The cool air is then forced into the space through open windows and vents.
Evaporative Cooling: Advantages And Disadvantages
Swamp coolers, evaporative coolers, and refrigeration units are usually less expensive to purchase and operate than conventional air conditioners. Evaporative coolers do not have the same clear advantages as their obvious cost benefits. Evaporative coolers need to be capable of adding moisture to the air to cool it. They work best in areas where the outdoor air is dry during the summer. Evaporative cooling can only be used in areas with low humidity. However, evaporative cooler maintenance is relatively simple.
Evaporative Cooling And Ventilation
Evaporative coolers are designed to bring in fresh air by continuously bringing it in. This air is then cooled with evaporation and circulated by a fan. Meanwhile, warmer indoor air is allowed air to escape through windows or other ventilation. This is in direct contrast to how air conditioning works. It treats and circulates air already within a building, but it is most efficient when the building is sealed.
Evaporative coolers won’t work effectively if a building doesn’t have enough windows or doors that are open to the outside. Also, an evaporative or swamp cooler cannot provide the same amount of air-cleaning filtering as can be achieved with a high filter in a central air conditioning unit’s air handler. Although these filters may not be as effective as high filters, much evaporative cool has swamp cooler filters to remove any particles from the outside air.
Connecting To Water Source
Evaporative coolers include a water reservoir or tank that directs water onto pads. The cooler keeps them saturated during operation. The tank can be filled manually using a bucket or hose. But many units can be connected to a continuous supply of water for automatic filling. Non-portable units usually require a connection.
Sizing An Electric Cooler
Evaporative coolers, as well as swamp coolers, are rated in cubic feet per minute (cfm), which indicates how much air they can deliver. Energy Saver says that manufacturers generally recommend 20-40 air changes per hour, depending upon the climate.
These Two Rules Can Help You Determine The Size Of An Evaporative Cooling Unit
- The cfm rating required for 30 air changes per hour can be obtained by multiplying the square footage of a room by the ceiling height.
- In a 10-foot-high space, you will get 30 air changes an hour if 500 cfm of cooling capacity is provided per square foot.
Many manufacturers provide specific guidance to their models on how many cooling units are expected to take up.
Evaporative Cooler Types, Portable Coolers, Window Coolers, Or Whole-Building Systems
There are some basic designs of evaporative coolers.
The portable swamp coolers and portable evaporative chillers are often used in warehouses or manufacturing facilities as well as outdoor areas where spot cooling can be needed.
Window-evaporative coolers can be used in both homes and offices and can be stored throughout the winter months.
This central evaporative cool can be permanently installed and connected to ductwork to distribute air throughout buildings.
- Building roofs can be fitted with central evaporative coolers that are down-discharge.
- For ease of maintenance access, you can install central evaporative coolers with side discharge on building sides.
One of two basic designs is used in central evaporative coolers:
- Multi-inlet evaporative coolers have louvered intakes on three or more sides. These inlets let air flow through them and cool them with thin, fibrous pads.
- Single-inlet evaporative coolers draw air through a single outlet. The air then flows through a thicker honeycombed pad. The single-inlet units use a larger blower engine, which results in greater airflow, and more cooling power, combined with thicker pads.