
Few Things That You Must Know About Online Market Research Panel

Nowadays, there are various online research being conducted to know about the demand in the market and what are the views of the general population about certain products. For doing this research, there are a few participants who have been selected by the research organizations, who generally respond to various questions related to any research topic selected.

These groups of respondents are selected by the research companies based on certain criteria decided by them suitable for their research. They are known as online market research panels. This group of people respond to various questions asked to them and share their individual opinion.

OvationMR is also involved in many different online market research activities have its selected group of respondents that form an online research panel that is used by OvationMR on Panels and Market Research and produce their research results on B2B and B2C market research.

Why online market research panel will be needed?

An online research panel can ensure that researchers can get quality data quickly and in a cost-effective manner for their research projects. The following are a few reasons a research panel is necessary:

  1. Get quality input from a knowledgeable source

To get good quality B2B research results, you must get input from a certain source who has the right knowledge and experience to offer his or her opinion. A market research panel, which is mostly an online panel generally represents a sample from the actual people.

They are selected based on their profile like:

  • Demographics (age, gender)
  • From which geographic region
  • Product usage
  • Their behaviour

Based on the B2B panels their job title, industry experience is also considered.

2. To get a convenient sample from a target population

This online market research panel will enable a researcher to choose his sample from a certain target population based on their attitudes and behaviours. Therefore, an online panel can offer a researcher an opportunity to select his sample that will be convenient for his research.

Therefore, whatever conclusion will be made of the research by selecting the qualified sample from the research panel will be more accurate and fact-based. The quality of data analysis will be much better.

3. Saves time and money

If there are readily available qualified survey respondents are available from the online market research panel, then any extra effort will not be required to search for the participants of the survey. The qualified respondents will be readily available which will save time and money.

4. Follow a proper methodology

Usually, the online market research panels are created by knowing enough information about all the participants by asking various questions and getting their responses. So, all the methodologies have already been followed while shortlisting them for the survey.

5. Studying certain sensitive issues

Often many respondents are not ready to share their personal details and may not feel very comfortable sharing their views on certain sensitive issues related to their personal habits concerning cigarettes, alcohol, or drug usages.

However, members of the market research panels are generally open to such questions and their permission was already taken while selecting them on the panel.